Hours of Operation:
Wednesday - Saturday: 11 AM to 4 PM
Sundays during special events
Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, March 23 - May 19, 2024

Our third Smithsonian exhibition, funded through a Museums on Mainstreet grant by Florida Humanities, featured historical and contemporary photos; educational and archival video; engaging multimedia interactives, and historical objects like campaign souvenirs, voter memorabilia, and protest material. It also featured art work created by two Sulphur Springs youth arts groups, and an exciting series of related talks.

Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes
April 5 - May 27 , 2023
This exhibit, in partnership with NCAR and UCAR, showcased the importance of the environment and how people are being affected by climate change.

Charley Belcher, from Charley's World on Fox 13, visted the museum summer 2023. Click here to see what he discovered with the Velocity exhibit and the wonderful history of Sulphur Springs.
African Roots of Southern Cooking
January 11, 2023 - March 26, 2023

African Americans developed a cultured identity through "soul" and associated food ways of people of African descent over hundreds of years. In this exhibit, we will explore the vast variety in African American cooking; from foods prepared by enslaved Africans in British America and the antebellum South; in the urban centers during the Great Migration; during the Depression; in Jim Crow eateries; black churches, and during times of celebration. The foods presented in this exhibit have made the long journey from Africa to the Americas.

Have Blues, Will Travel: Traveling Blues Musicians in the Jim Crow Era
April 8 - July 2, 2022
This exhibit showcased the hardships and inequality Black Blues musicians faced while traveling to play concerts in the Jim Crow era, using the Negro Motorist Green Book to find safe lodging.

Freedom Riders ran Feb. 27 - March 28, 2022 It celebrated a seminal moment in civil rights history. The self-proclaimed “Freedom Riders” challenged the mores of a racially segregated society by performing a disarmingly simple act—traveling together in small interracial groups, and sitting where they pleased on buses and trains. Demanding unrestricted access to terminal restaurants and waiting rooms, they were met with bitter racism, mob violence, and imprisonment along the way. But their courage and sacrifice over eight months in 1961 changed America forever. For a news story about the exhibit, see: https://www.fox13news.com/video/1038030

Civil Rights in the Sunshine State ran January -Sept., 2020, including several months when the museum was closed during the continuing pandemic.

We were proud to welcome this magnificent traveling exhibition, telling the story of the heroic fight for equality, from post-slavery to the present day.

It was standing room only for Dr. Vincent Adejumo's talk on the Rosewood Massacre, with more than 120 people attending!
Norma Robinson was interviewed by WFLA Channel 8 News for a feature on the exhibition. See it at: https://youtu.be/kcjTN6b24eM
Hometown Teams: How Sports Shape America
ran Aug. 10-Sept. 21, 2019. What a success!
Our state-of-the art, multi-media traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution, was a great success. We hosted six well-attended events, and were honored to have Tampa Mayor Jane Castor speak at the Opening.
We added local information on the Pool and the Dog Track, now part of our permanent exhibits. And we were covered on Channel 13's Charley's World: http://www.fox13news.com/good-day/428683161-video
Watch Florida Humanities' video of our opening:

Clockwise From top: visitors enjoy exhibit; Mayor Castor & Vice President Norma Robinson; Opening talk by Mayor Castor; Our high school interns; Prof. Ray Arsenault